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Andrea Pinchi

                             Foto credit: Simone Haug


Born in 1967 into a family of pipe organbuilders, he began to paint as a child with Nereo Ferraris (1911-1975) his aunt’s companion, Maria Pia Pinchi. He approached wooden sculpture thanks to Pietro Quagliarini, collaborator of his grandfather Libero Rino for years. Between 1989 and 1996 he was in contact with Aurelio De Felice (1915-1996).
Since 2005 he has begun to experiment with new expressive forms with materials coming from the restoration of ancient pipe organs, the Pincbau, as it was defined by Maurizio Coccia in 2011.
After his debut in Foligno with the exhibition “Organbuilding Rebirth Project” in 2011 at the Palazzo Trinci Museum under the curatorship of Maurizio Coccia, he was part of the 54 Venice Biennale, Italy Pavillion, Gianluca Marziani and Vittorio Sgarbi curators.
In 2014 he left the art of organbuilding to dedicate himself full time to his activity as an artist, moving to Rome to his Piazza Campitelli Studio.
In 2015 he held his first solo show in Rome, at the Complesso del Vittoriano, “Between matter and soul, between memory and time” curated by Claudio Strinati.
In 2019 he returns to pure painting with the "Invisible Cities" project inspired by the homonym novel by Italo Calvino. Infact, after the “Mirycae” exhibitions at the Vallicelliana Library in Rome curated by Roberto Gramiccia and “Pincbau” at the L. Bailo Civic Museum in Treviso curated by Gianluca Marziani with three-dimensional works, in October-November of the same year he presented the large work “Eutropia” at the Macro Museum in Rome curated by Giuditta Nidiaci.

He has participated in other institutional exhibitions such as “Organbuilding Rebirth Project” curated by Maurizio Coccia (2011) and “Traum und Vision” (2022) curated by Alessandra Bertuzzi at the Zwinglihaus in Basel, Museo Palazzo Collicola Arti Visive in Spoleto (2011 and 2012 ) curated by Gianluca Marziani, “Chaos/Kosmos” at the Mazowiecki Instytut Kultury in Warsaw, curated by Paulina Grubiak, “Auberge de Reves” at the Riso Contemporary Art Museum in Palermo (2021) curated by Floriana Spanò, Italian Cultural Institute of Krakow (2022) Paulina Grubiak curator.
He is present in foundations and private collections in: Bari, Basel, Bonn, Como, Brussels, Dubai, Florence, Genoa, Liege, London, Tbilisi, Madrid, Milan, New York, Padua, Palermo, Pisa, Rome, Spoleto, Tehran and Tenerife.

He lives and works between Rome and Bienne (Switzerland).

Curriculum vitae

Available works: